Can a random act of kindness make you happier?

Did you know that there is a day just for random acts of kindness, well there is! Its Saturday 17 of February is the day!

What are Random acts of kindness?

Random acts of kindness are powerful.

They have the potential to create a positive ripple effect, these acts go beyond the ordinary and involve unexpected acts of generosity, compassion, and consideration. Engaging in random acts of kindness offers an opportunity to contribute to a more compassionate and supportive community.

People can make a difference by simple yet impactful gestures like helping another student with their homework, offering a kind word to someone going through a tough time, or surprising a friend with a small, thoughtful gift.

Participating in acts of kindness fosters empathy, strengthens interpersonal relationships, and promotes a sense of social responsibility. It helps you understand the impact of your actions on others and cultivates a mindset of generosity that extends beyond their immediate circle.

Ways to get involved

·     Compliment someone, it could be friends, family, or even a stranger

·     Pay it forward! Shout someone a drink, or pay for the order behind you.

·     Gift something that you know a family or friend will love, just because.

·     Help out. Assist your family or a neighbour with a task that they haven't asked you for, it could be pulling some weeds or getting the lawn mower out.

·     Smile at someone, you’d be surprised how far a smile can go.

·     Visit a friend or relative that you haven’t seen in a while.

·     Volunteer at a local charity or community event.


Doing good things helps release good hormones (like dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin!). These feel-good brain chemicals help you feel better so these small yet genuine gestures can make a big difference both for you and for them.

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